Our purpose is to build a sense of community among British expats living in Italy, to provide a venue for common interests and purpose that fully integrate into the values of our host country.
The activities we organize and causes we support are based around the interests of our members. Their active contribution at our annual general meeting, helps guide the association in its journey towards building an expat community in Italy. Due to logistical reasons, many of our activities are primarily based in Rome since that is where the committee resides.
Every member will have different reasons for joining us. Some are seeking advice, some are looking for support, and some are there to socialise. We pride ourselves in having many members that have remained loyal to the association since it was founded in 2010. Whatever your reason for looking to join us is, we provide all of our members with certain benefits:
We hold regular social and cultural events to bring the British and English speaking communities together in Rome. You can see a list of our current and planned events in our What we do page.
We can help members by directing them to, and connecting them with other members of the British and Italian communities throughout Italy
We can help members by guiding them towards the appropriate departments or organisations who can assist them with queries or concerns.
Below are some testimonials from members about why they like to be part of our association.
“When retiring to Rome I considered joining several organisations, but was particularly attracted to the Ex-Pats, which caters to all ages and backgrounds. The Committee arranges a great variety of functions and outings, social and cultural, appealing to all tastes. I have made many friends, learning more about this incredible city through their experiences. I would wholeheartedly recommend this group to ex-pats and Italians alike.”
Patricia Butt